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Alexandra Moore

How To Conduct A Social Media Audit

Learn how to conduct a social media audit with MB Design. We will include details on what exactly a social media audit is, how it can help you and even some tips for optimizing your digital presence

So, What is a Social Media Audit?

A social media audit is a comprehensive evaluation of a brand's social media presence. This includes details on profiles, content, engagement metrics and more! The audit can also highlight strengths and weaknesses within your current social media marketing strategy. This can in turn lead you to untouched opportunities.

It is important to conduct regular audits on your social media accounts to ensure what you are doing is working for you! Keeping your work in line with business goals and target audience preferences is vital for your campaigns to preform well. Conducting regular audits can help you better refine content strategies, improve audience engagement and even maximize ROI.

Understanding the Purpose of a Social Media Audit

The general purpose for a social media audit is to better define goals and objective for your social media presence. This includes setting clear goals for future work. These goals can include things like increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic and generating leads! These goals can help you determine which metrics you need to focus on.

Another key purpose of an audit is identifying your target audience demographic's preferences. It is vital that you understand your target market, through demographics, and interests, behaviors. When you understand your audience, you can create content that is more appealing for them. This will help you resonate with them, and leave a lasting mark in their memory!

The final purpose of the audit we will discuss is evaluating current performance metrics and benchmarks. In order to set goals and steps on how to get there, you have to know where you are starting from! Not everyone can go viral over night, but through consistency and learning, you can build a strong following. There are various metrics you will see when conducting a site audit. A few of these include...

Follower Count

Engagement Rates


Website Traffic From Social Media

It is important to track these over time, and not only compare to industry standards, but also use them to identify areas for improvement.

How Do I Conduct a Social Media Audit?

There are many ways you can measure metrics used to build a social media audit. Read below to find out what all information you should include in an audit. If you need help, or would like a social media audit completed, please reach out to MB Design for help!

Woman's hands on a laptop keyboard, on a desk surrounded by a plant, glasses, a notebook and cereal

Steps to Conducting A Site Audit

  1. Inventory of Social Media Accounts

  2. Evaluation of Profile Information

  3. Analysis of Content Strategy

  4. Examination of Audience Engagement

  5. Review of Brand Consistency

  6. Measurement of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Step One: Inventory of Social Media Accounts

In this section, you compile a list of all social media platforms where the brand has a presence, active or not. This also include official accounts, and unofficial accounts. You can utilize a social media management tool to streamline the audit process and ensure comprehensive coverage.

Step Two: Evaluation of Profile Information

Now that you have your list of all the social media accounts that make up your brand, you need to break down all of their information. This includes bio, description, contact details and more. It is very important to keep everything up to date and consistent between platforms. Ensure that you are also optimizing your profile information to reflect your brands identity, values and objectives.

Step Three: Analysis of Content Strategy

Content Strategy is the plan you create for creating and distributing content that aligns with your business goals and resonates with the target audience. It is important to evaluate your content types, posting frequency, and engagement metrics to assess the effectiveness of the current strategy. You will need to experiment with various formats and topics to find your successful content strategy.

Step Four: Examination of Audience Engagement

Audience engagement is defined as the interaction between a brand and its followers on social media platforms. You analyze these metrics to learn demographics, behaviors, and preferences using platform insights and analytic tools. There are many tools you can use to boost engagement, you just have to constantly test new things with your following and see what they like the best. Keeping content fresh by trying new things is also a great way to go as well!

Step Five: Review Brand Consistency

So, what exactly is this 'brand consistency' that we see everywhere? Brand consistency is the uniformity of brand messaging, visual identity, and tone of voice across all social media platforms, and even your website. You want to ensure that followers, readers, and shoppers know that this is your brand, before seeing your name next to posts or products. This means using similar styles, colors and fonts across all digital media work. It is important to maintain brand consistency as it also builds trust and recognition among followers.

Step Five: Measurement of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators are important for every business, but what are they? KPIs are decided, quantifiable metrics used to measure the success of social media marketing efforts. Common KPIs for social media pages are growth, engagement rates, reach, impressions, click-through-rates (CTR), and conversion rates. You can utilize built in analytic tools provided by the social media platforms to track and measure these metrics.

a computer screen with various metrics on it

Tips For Your Improving Your Social Media Accounts

  • Utilize tools when conducting your social media audit. Hootsuite, Buffer, Brandwatch, Google Analytics and Keyhole are a few!

  • When optimizing your social media profile here are a few tips

    • Use Relevant Hashtags

    • Post at the Right Times

    • Choose the Right Platform

    • Build Links Through Social Media

  • Formats & Topics you can experiment with on your social media accounts

    • Content Types: questions, sharing industry news, ask for opinions, share statistics

    • Multimedia: images, videos, photos, GIFs, infographics, audio recordings

    • Ads: carousel ads, video ads, stories ads, messenger ads

    • Other Formats: live streams, polls, quizzes, stickers, or carousels

  • Strategies to improve engagement on social media

    • Use hashtags

    • Encourage engagement

    • Organize contests

    • Partner with influencers

    • Respond to your audience in the comments and on messengers

In Summary...

Overall, the social media site audit is utilized to optimize performance, enhance brand visibility and drive engagement.

In order to see and track results from social media efforts, you need to be regularly monitoring metrics. You can do this through regular audits.

If you can follow these audit steps, and break down your own social media profiles, get to cracking! These tactics will help you do an overhaul on your online presence and get your social media accounts booming. If you need help doing a social media audit, reach out to MB Design to help. We are experts in social media and would love to help you get your newest and best social media campaign yet!

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